In article >, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 06:15:14 GMT, "Julie Bove" >
> wrote:
> >I haven't tried
> >to get a handicapped sticker because too many times I have seen people being
> >harassed for parking in there when they don't appear to be handicapped.
> I have *never* seen anyone harassed for parking in a handicapped spot
> just because they didn't "look" like they needed it. In fact, I've
> never seen anyone harassed at all.
I never have either, but then I don't hang out near handicapped parking
spots. I've read lots of reputable articles from people I know who have
been hassled because they parked in a handicapped spot and didn't appear
sufficiently handicapped. There was a yearly newsletter at my former
job put out by the office in charge of helping these people, and there
was often an article written by people I knew, describing their problems
with this. Frankly, I never even knew that most of these people were
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA