Really stubborn or perhaps rather sad.
John Kane wrote:
> Never on a cargo bike but happens a fair bit on my bike. I will go ahead
> when it's obvious that there is no traffic. However it seems to me
> drivers are getting better about letting bikes take their proper turn.
The bikes around here are worse than the cars. It is a wonder that more of
them don't get killed. They rarely stop for stop signs. We get groups of
them riding aorund here practising for races. They drive along the coutnry
roads in goups of 12 or more, 2 and 3 across. They will not move over for
cars. When they get to intersections with stop signs they all just keep on
going, even if there are cars coming.
I almost clipped one with my car last summer. I had signalled my turn and
stopped for a stop sign. A bicyclist was coming the other way. I assumed,
incorrectly, that she was going to stop. I started to turn and she came
sailing right through. She probably thought I was in the wrong to blast the
horn at her.