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Charlotte L. Blackmer Charlotte L. Blackmer is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 267
Default OT Really stubborn or perhaps rather sad.

In article > ,
Edwin Pawlowski > wrote:
>"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> My problem is I can't walk very far or stand for very long. I haven't
>> tried to get a handicapped sticker because too many times I have seen
>> people being harassed for parking in there when they don't appear to be
>> handicapped. I can just envision myself having to stand there and explain
>> what all my medical problems are while my legs are locking up on my from
>> standing in one spot for too long. So I just hope for the best, and most
>> of the time I am able to get a spot next to the handicapped or fairly
>> close.

>If you qualify, your doctor will fill out his section of the paperwork. Who
>cares what other people think?


>Yes, the placards are abused but there are
>plenty of people that appear to be healthy but cannot walk a distance for
>some reason.

Two words: Invisible Disability.

People who don't realize they exist will probably get a rude awakening at
some point in their lives.

(And having had a debilitating illness that I "didn't look sick" during,
with bad negative consequences, I'm personally inclined to give others
slack. Karma will catch up with the cheaters in my opinion.)

>I've seen people sneer at the fact that the handicapped person
>had a nice car too.

Yes, some people are just jerks.

Shouldn't keep you from getting a placard if you qualify.

ObFood: Fed my young friend Goldfish crackers during coffee hour - yay
fish! He ate them all up.

