In article <N6lwj.19135$6t3.1790@trndny07>,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:
> "Kathleen" > wrote in message
> ...
> > It sounds like you need a wheeled walker with hand brakes and a built-in
> > seat. This video gives an excellent demonstration of all the
> > possibilities.
> >
> >
> I didn't know there were any with brakes on them. But for the most part the
> wheels wouldn't help me. And there would still be the issue of my purse. I
> am lost without my purse.
Sounds like it is time for you to check these things out, instead of
just dismissing them out of hand (just to be pushy here). All of your
objections (except the cost, but what is the ability to get around
worth?) can be overcome. There are wheels, brakes, light weight, bumper
holders and places for your purse. There are a lot of engineers
spending a lot of time designing just about everything you could
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA