Goddess of Groundhogs wrote:
> Zsarnok poked his/her head out of his hole and screamed
> .net: at the world.
> That's excellent for outdoors!! Yea, nothing works like some horse manure
> outside. Problem is... my plants are indoors. No horse shit on them!!
> heheh The Knox works great, really. If it has boiled down animal
> renderings in it, well, I doubt the plants will mind too much.
Oooohhhh! Yeah, that's a different thing. Course, if you keep a pile
outdoors and compost, it loses the aroma after a year or so. But there
is an ick factor in handling it I suppose.
>>We used to have horses and used the manure to enrich a garden. We
>>dropped in the seeds, watered regularly and couldn't keep up with a
>>10x12 little patch! If you can cart some away one or twice a year from
>>a stable, you may need nothing else. And it only costs time -- and a
>>truck wash. 
>>Goddess of Groundhogs wrote:
>>>Zsarnok poked his/her head out of his hole and screamed
arthlink.net: at the
>>>>Gelatin/thickener from red algea. You might be able to get it in bulk
>>>>from somewhere. Otherwise it's in health food stores, which is
>>>All I use gelatin for is plant food. It makes a plant grow like crazy.
>>>Maybe the red algae would work, but as you say, it's expensive. I'm not
>>>spending a lotta money on plant food.
>>>>Goddess of Groundhogs wrote:
>>>>>Zsarnok poked his/her head out of his hole and screamed
>>>>>news:ZHmib.42288 : at the
>>>>>>Why couldn't you use agar?
>>>>>Cuz I don't know what it is. 
>>>>>>Goddess of Groundhogs wrote:
>>>>>>>Maxie P. Diddly poked his/her head out of his hole and screamed
: at the world.
>>>>>>>>Gilroy said San Diego was a vegan who was working on developing a
>>>>>>>>marshmallow made without gelatin. Gelatin is made by boiling
>>>>>>>>animal tissue in water.
>>>>>>>I'm not a vegan. Just a vegetarian. I use Knox unflavored gelatin
>>>>>>>on my plants for an organic fertilizer. Now I see this.
>>>>>>>And marshmallows are off the list, too, now.