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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Really stubborn or perhaps rather sad.

On Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:35:08 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>Dan Abel wrote:
>> What's the big deal about a parking space? Why would somebody walk up
>> to a perfect stranger and start yelling at them because they didn't look
>> sufficiently handicapped?

>I don't worry too much about those spaces because, from what I have seen, people
>with handicapped parking permits in their vehicles abuse them as much as other
>people. ASFAIC, there are a lot of cases where a handicapped person is driven to a
>mall, plaze or downtown area and could be dropped off at the front door and the
>car could then be parked in a regular spot. I usually did that when I drove my
>mother. She had the permit and I could have used it to park in a handicapped spot.
>> How can somebody decide that deafness isn't a
>> handicap as far as parking, when some doctor has decided that it is?

>In this province, deafness is not a condition for which a permit is issued.
>The elegibility requirements are :
>- Cannot walk without assistance of another person or a brace, cane, crutch, a
>lower limb prosthetic device or similar assistive device or who requires the
>assistance of a wheelchair.
>- Suffers from lung disease to such an extent that forced expiratory volume in one
>second is less than 1 litre.
>- Portable oxygen is a medical necessity.
>- Cardiovascular disease impairment classified as Class III or Class IV to
>standards accepted by the American Heart Association or Class III or IV according
>to the Canadian Cardiovascular Standard.
>- Severely limited in the ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological,
>musculoskeletal or orthopaedic condition.
>- Visual acuity is 20/200 or poorer in the better eye with or without corrective
>lenses or whose greatest diameter of the field of vision in both eyes is 20
>degrees or less.
>- Condition(s) or functional impairment that severely limits his or her mobility.
>Deafness in not listed.

Honestly, I don't know what the law is in the US (California in
particular). At this point, I'm not interested enough to look it
up.... but I guess people who are claiming being deaf automatically
gets a placard should do the research.

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