Really stubborn or perhaps rather sad.
Dave wrote on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 18:35:58 -0500:
??>> Yes, it is! First in, first out. You'll make yourself
??>> very unpopular around here if you ignore it. That being
??>> said, most people are willing to give someone else the
??>> benefit of the doubt and there can be a series of
??>> wavings-on until someone decides to accept it.
DS> I hate those wavers. I wish they would just do what they
DS> are supposed to do and what everyone else expects them to
DS> do and everyone would get through a lot faster.
Quite the opposite are those people who come whizzing up to a
Stop sign on a side road with no intention of stopping unless
they must. If I am the driver of the nearest car on the main
road, I don't appreciate it since I am not always convinced they
will notice me. I have been often sufficiently alarmed to slam
on my brakes and, of course, hit the horn at the same time. I've
given up counting the number of angry, offended or sometimes
superior looks.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: