"ethical" bananas (was Sunflower Seeds Vegan?)
frlcnt wrote:
>>>I think this is a personal call that you have to make for yourself. I do the
>>>same thing, all the time. For instance, I refuse to buy bananas, a nice
>>>vegan food, right?
>>Very nice food, period.
>>>Because of the inhumane conditions applied to the
>>>communities surrounding the plantations and the workers themselves,
>>What inhumane conditions are these? Have you ever visited a banana
>>plantation in person or do you get your information from petty activists
>>who turn everything into an ethical dilemma?
>>I can say that I *have* visited a banana plantation, and within the last
>>couple of weeks. I also rode past many more on vacation. What I found
>>was nothing like you describe. The workers were joyful and well-fed.
> Swing Low Sweet Chariot comin' for to carry me home... It's not just
> about the workers, that's bad enough.
Ipse dixit.
> It's about the environment.
Ipse dixit.
<snip of someone's bogus term paper: note many of the sources
are activist publications>