Sunflower Seeds Vegan? [Bananas]
MEow wrote:
>>>>That's it. No apology, no more Mr Nice Guy to you. Your assumption is
>>>>*completely* misplaced.
>>>You haven't shown any signs of getting it. Especially considering how
>>>you went after my past signatures.
>>I didn't "go after," I asked questions. And I did it politely.
> Yes you did go after them and you were not polite about it at all.
I was polite. I pointed out certain facts based on firsthand
observation, and I also suggested the OP should eat bananas if he wanted
to help banana workers. Some people really don't get the harm done to
the lower-rung employees during boycotts.
>>>>>Oops! Sorry about that! For some reason I thought your nickname
>>>>>sounded feminine. Don't ask me why, though.
>>>>Could it be that yours sounds masculine?
>>>It's feline.
>>You may be catty, but your name isn't feline.
> Cats don't say "meow" where you're from?
Of course they make that sound.
> Oh, you meant my *real* name!
What name would others consider masculine?
>>>What's masculine about that?
>>Ask those who think you're a male.
> Okay, so my real name is considered masculine in some places.
Yea, you got one right. Time for a party.
>>>>>It's what you get when you can't see each other.
>>>>From the gist of his other posts, he could probably tell all kinds of
>>>>lurid stories about that kind of behavior.
>>>What he does with other consenting adults is not something I intend to
>>>get upset about.
>>Nor do I.
> Then why make an issue out of it or say that there's a contradiction?
You're the one making an issue of it. I only asked one question and let
it be.
>>>>>Several usenet people have mistaken me for a man.
>>>I've told you why.
>>I'm biting my tongue because I'm WAY TOO polite even though I'm through
>>being nice to you till you apologize.
> I have nothing to apologise for,
Yes, you do. You've thoroughly mischaracterized my intent.
> as I'm only pointing out that your
> repeated insistence of taking usenet signatures seriously shows that
> you don't understand the humour in it.
> Anyone understanding the humour
> in usenet signatures would know to not take them seriously.
> Besides,
> you were different to me in past discussions than you are now that
> you're "through being nice".
I've *always* been nice to you. Way too nice. The fact that you always
jump the gun and decide I'm being mean without delving into issues
doesn't wash, Nikitta. All that does is show how rash you are.