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Default "ethical" bananas (was Sunflower Seeds Vegan?)

> It's a futile exercise to withdraw from the market and expect it to
> change. If you're concerned about the welfare of banana workers, eat
> MORE bananas, not less, or find bananas raised in conditions that appeal
> to your hypersensitivities.

I haven't found them yet in my area, so I haven't bought them. When I do, I
will. I said that in my original post. And I don't think eating more bananas
helps any more than blind boycotting. It merely serves to preserve the
status quo.

Gradually, corporations are bringing their standards up and that's what's
helping lower rung workers as a result of plain old social evolution, which
admittedly goes along with capitalism and commerce etc. Discussion,
knowledge and education is what's making the real changes. And we're doing
an eeny weeny bit of that right here.


Melissa: Where are you going?
Brendan: To the splendid, eternal unitement of the fairy princess and the
milady of flowers.
Melissa: That's weird! That's where I'm going! You can come with me on my
dragon. He's my best friend and I own him.
Brendan: Sounds like a complicated relationship.
-from Home Movies

Your sense of morality is only leading to
> worse working and economic conditions for banana workers. How do you
> feel about that?
> > I truly wish that more people did.

> What you are doing is not an act of conscience or principle, but one of
> ignorance of economics. What economic, moral, or noble purpose would
> mass deprivation serve? (Answer: none.)