Sunflower Seeds Vegan? [Bananas]
Gender Confused wrote:
>>I was polite. I pointed out certain facts based on firsthand
>>observation, and I also suggested the OP should eat bananas if he wanted
>>to help banana workers. Some people really don't get the harm done to
>>the lower-rung employees during boycotts.
> You took the signature seriously, or you wouldn't even have bothered
> asking a question.
So says you. I took his post seriously enough to respond. I asked one
****ing little question as an aside and you've sought to make an issue
of it. I'm glad you read enough of what I wrote to nitpick on the one
molehill you could turn into a mountain. You stupid, stupid woman.
> As far as boycuts go, they do sometimes work, if
> the company gets told why the boycott is made. Then they'll want to
> improve the conditions in question to get their customers back.
Not always, and the interim conditions during a boycott often result in
a negative effect. *Threats* of boycotts, often a form of legal
extortion, usually have greater effect than an actual boycott. That
said, I am a fan of neither threats nor actual boycotts.
>>You're the one making an issue of it. I only asked one question and let
>>it be.
> It was a quite insinuating question. You acted like you were taking it
> seriously, which I then believed, giving you the benefit of the doubt,
No, you rarely give me benefit of the doubt, and you certainly haven't
in this instance. Fine, you're free to quibble over trivial issues, but
don't count on my buying your supposed "generosity." You are a very
contemptible woman.
> but it seems to be misplaced, as you now claim that you knew it was a
> joke, all along.
> "Unlike you, I have no problem spanking men." -Angel
Where do you draw the line at compassion and ethics: eating
bananas, spanking men?
What in my response to that demonstrates the question is insinuating,
that I lack a sense of humor, or that I "don't get it"?
>>>I have nothing to apologise for,
>>Yes, you do. You've thoroughly mischaracterized my intent.
> I was saying that you didn't get the humour which is a different
> thing. Saying "strawman" doesn't do anything to my initial argument
> about why I think you didn't get the joke.
You haven't given ANY reason for incessantly repeating why you think I
didn't get ANY joke. In light of your lack of evidence (tautology is not
evidence, you hag) and your continued distortions of my motivations, you
have engaged in making a strawman. My motivation for asking that one
question, out of all the others and the statements I made in my
responses to the OP, have nothing at all to do with your assignations of
my intent, my character, my sense of humor, or anything else about me.
> Why did you act like you took it seriously, if you knew it was a joke?
> I'd like to know that.
> "Unlike you, I have no problem spanking men." -Angel
Where do you draw the line at compassion and ethics: eating
bananas, spanking men?
No matter how YOU (it wasn't addressed to you) see it, it's a fair
question given his arrogance about not eating bananas and compassionate,
ethical behavior.
>>>you were different to me in past discussions than you are now that
>>>you're "through being nice".
>>I've *always* been nice to you. Way too nice. The fact that you always
>>jump the gun and decide I'm being mean without delving into issues
>>doesn't wash, Nikitta. All that does is show how rash you are.
> Your general going after anything you consider to be "liberal" or
> whatever you call it and anyone talking about ethics isn't polite
> behaviour in a newsgroup, or in general.
Oh hell, aren't you awfully defensive. You insisted none of those
generalizations applied to you, so why do you take such umbrage now? I
know the answer, and so do you, but I also know you won't admit that
those remarks were accurate and hurt your feelings. Why else would you
bitch about them now? lol
> Actually I see no difference
> between this and what you call being nice to me in previous
> discussions. I see no difference at all.
Fine, you LIBERAL. Go get some beauty sleep. You know you need it.