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Default Sunflower Seeds Vegan? [Bananas]

While frolicking around in, usual suspect of Road
Runner - Texas said:

>>>>You recently agreed that it wasn't immoral, as long as they're adult
>>>>and consenting. Can you make up your mind?
>>>Where did I agree with anything of that nature? My mind is made up.

>>>What he does with other consenting adults is not something I intend toget upset about.

>> Nor do I.
>> Seems to imply that you have no moral problems with it,

>You sure are reading a whole lot into my statements, hussy. Whether or
>not I have disagreement over the morality of what others do is begging
>the question. The issue was whether or not I intend to get upset about
>it. I didn't, I don't, and I won't.
>> or is it something you consider immoral, but not upsetting?

>I think my posts against sadomasochism and homosexuality are still
>archived at Google. Perhaps you can figure out my views from when I've
>already addressed the issue. I haven't changed my mind.
>> Sounds a bit inconsistent.

>Only to someone like you intent on stirring up shit rather than taking
>someone at his word.

You didn't address my point. You said that you didn't intend to get
upset about it. How does that go with finding it immoral, if you do
find it immoral?

>>>>Reality isn't as simple as you set it up, though.
>>>Yes, it is. And unlike the OP, I was able to relate more about the issue
>>>than what I remembered reading from some activists.

>> The OP didn't claim that all bananas farms were bad.

>The OP made a generalization on par with ones I've made and to which
>you've taken exception. Pinko.

He has said, directly, that not all banana farms was bad and some
might be having better standards, but he didn't know which ones.

>> Surely you will
>> agree that the conditions in some banana farms are bad, or did you
>> visit them all?

>I didn't say they were all bad, either. Again, you reflexively give
>others a measure of benefit of the doubt and assign to me the worst of
>intentions. You are a misguided, shrill idiot.

Ehm - I'll repeat my question, as you didn't answer it: Do you agree
that *some* of them are bad?
>> That something comes from an activist doesn't
>> automatically make it 100% wrong.

>Damn sure doesn't make it 100% right, either.


>In most cases, the
>propaganda from activists is easier to dismiss than industry rhetoric
>for the sole reason that governments oversee industries and industry
>claims. Activists have no accountability with respect to the truth, and
>do they ever take advantage of that lack of accountability.

I'll believe them over the commercials from an industry where they
have a salees-rate to protect.

>>>No, I took it and compared it to his sentiments about bananas.

>> Same deal.

>No, not at all.

How so? Arguments, please.
Nikitta a.a. #1759 Apatriot(No, not apricot)#18
ICQ# 251532856
Unreferenced footnotes:
"Hummm.... 86 percent male. Which probably explains why I only have fun 14 percent
of the time...." Therion Ware (a.a.)