Chocolate Flavored Chocolate
Sqwertz wrote:
> Looks like I just got suckered into buying some of this fake
> chocolate stuff. These were a 22oz bag of "solid milk
> chocolate", from what used to be a reputable candy company,
> individually wrapped valentine hearts marked down to $.75 at the
> grocery store.
> After eating one, I examined the bag closer: "Milk Chocolate
> FLAVORED", made with palm oils and no cocoa butter at all.
> Nasty shit. Leaves a bite in the back of the throat a very
> unpleasant texture.
> So start reading those labels more carefully as manufacturers
> slip in more and more of this faux chocolate. Any amount of
> non-cocoa oils are 100% fake chocolate.
> -sw
It might still be OK for grating (chilled) into vanilla ice cream.