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Matt Fitz Matt Fitz is offline
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Posts: 32
Default How do I know if my sourdough tastes, well, correct?

On Feb 28, 10:33 am, Will > wrote:
> On Feb 27, 3:25 pm, Matt Fitz > wrote:
> > So, what is a person to do?

> Well... how many different ways have you expressed the same formula?
> For instance... let's say your finished dough is: 1000 grams flour,
> 680 grams water, 20 grams salt. Pretty standard stuff. Which method
> works best?
> Warm ferment?
> Cool ferment?
> Wet stage build?
> Straight dough build?
> Pre-ferment build?
> Fine flour?
> Coarse flour?

Until I have more data (i.e., loaves of bread) I am trying to limit
myself to one consistent method. I have been using something like the
Detmold 3-stage. So far the taste has been consistent. My wife's
penchant for whole grain has me trying predominantly whole grain rye,
so overall shape and crumb are my challenges at the moment. I have
read the weight of such dough means it usually works better in a pan.
Maybe I'll try that.