Sky wrote:
> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Miche wrote:
>> > In article .net>,
>> > Blinky the Shark > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Lou wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> I've got orange roughy thawing for dinner and I think I'd like
>> >> >> to deep fry them and make hush puppies.
>> >> >
>> >> > I'm not generally a tree-hugger and I rarely get preachy, but were you
>> >> > aware
>> >> > that orange roughy is endangered?
>> >>
>> >> Is there a "best source" you can provide for a list of endengered species?
>> >> What organization is actually the final authority on these? Or can
>> >> anybody that loves chihuahuas put up a website about their "endangered"
>> >> status and if enough people believe...really believe...they (the
>> >> chihuahuas!) will become so?
>> >
>> > Here's the New Zealand list:
>> >
>> >
>> Thanks, Miche.
>> It's interesting that while they rank it as one of the worst fish to use,
>> their warnings don't contain the word "endangered". This looks like more
>> of the grey area I found online before I asked for an actual authority on
>> endangered species -- like many of the casual warnings I found online.
>> Which is what prompted me to ask about an authority on "endangered
>> species".
>> Wertz provided a link to a US governmental site that contains almost 600
>> endangered species around the world.
>> --
>> Blinky
> And to confuse the issue even further, perhaps some fish get
> mislabeled. For example, a lot of 'red snapper' listed in sushi
> restaurants' menus tend to actually be 'talapia' and not even true red
> snapper. Whether or not it's the restaurant scamming their patrons or
I did not know that. But I just posted a reply to an article from
Kathleen that mentioned basa -- which apparently used to be marketed here
in the US as a kind of catfish, until the US catfish farmers got some kind
of protection for the name. Or maybe that was settled without the suit
going through. Or whatever.
> Sky, who's landlocked too far from any ocean
Blinky the Shark, who lives he
The flat grey area on the coast is Los Angeles.