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Charlotte L. Blackmer Charlotte L. Blackmer is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 267
Default How to NOT feed the kooks was OT Someone's Legal Name

In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:
>Charlotte L. Blackmer wrote:
>> If my kooks weren't basically cowards, I would have done the following:
>> 1) filed a police report
>> 2) change accounts and disappear for a while
>> 3) target practice for self-defense

>About 8 or 9 years ago an elderly woman who was a member of a mailing
>list I used to run decided she was going to "get" me. Lots of foul
>language, threats, etc. Banned her from the mailing list, started
>getting emails direct. Finally called the police where she lived and
>filed a complaint of stalking. In a few days they called me, had
>arrested her, she was undergoing psychiatric testing. Ultimately they
>let me know she had been hospitalized and was being treated for
>schizophrenia. Some folks on the internet truly are kooks. Anyway I
>never heard from her again and have no idea of the ultimate results of
>her hospitalization.

George, I'm impressed. Hopefully she got the help she needed.

The one time I tried filing a police report for something more
complicated than "wierd phone calls" nobody really wanted to claim
jurisdiction (n.b. this was within the same state) and passed me around.

Similar with a much more severe net.stalking episode I know about,
although the victim was able to get property records sealed so stalker
couldn't do the usual trick of paying for a public records search.

ObFood: I just had some Starr Ridge peanut butter shortbread cookies - on
closeout special at Berkeley Bowl - and OH MY GOD they're good. Melt in
the mouth. I am trying to save the remainder to see if my 1 year old
friend will eat them - he is switching from formula to
people-food-suitable-for-people-with-2.5-teeth and his mom is slightly
frustrated at finding things he will eat. (Today's discovery: he
likes buttered toast. MUCH rejoicing. I think the next plan is Mashed
Potatoes, with and without additions.)
