Looking for an english tea, please help me !
On Feb 28, 2:11*pm, "Rightrik" > wrote:
> Hello,
> a few years ago i have had a very good english tea, it was in a plastic dark
> blue bag with flowers design, it was closed with a little adhesive label,
> and the flavor was containing cinnamon and vanilla, but pretty soft (i don't
> like vanilla, but it was tasting really very good).
> I understand it is not easy to identify a tea with such few details, but any
> suggestions about the possible brand/type of this tea ?
> I really wolud like to identify and buy this tea, *it was excellent.
> Thanks,
> RR
Go to a search engine and type in "English Breakfast Tea." They show
about 40 boxes. Many of them have black or blue boxes, but I saw none
as you describe. Toci