Fresh Pasta worth the trouble?
On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 14:47:12 -0500, George >
>aem wrote:
>> On Mar 1, 9:53 am, Anthony Ferrante >
>> wrote:
>>> I have never had freshly made pasta noodles, but after watching all
>>> the time and effort it takes to make it, I think I will stick with the
>>> stuff from the store, Of course, the better brands, not the cheap
>>> crap.
>> Where the effort/reward tipping point falls differs for everyone, I
>> suppose. I agree with you with two exceptions. Homemade egg noodles
>> are not much trouble and vastly superior to store bought dried egg
>> noodles, so if I make a stew or braise or soup that I want egg noodles
>> with I just add in the time to make the noodles when I plan the meal.
>> And stuffed pasta like ravioli just has to be freshly made. If I
>> don't feel up to the effort we just eat something else.
>> You say you've never made fresh pasta, you say, so I would suggest
>> that you remember that time and effort decrease as experience and
>> skill grow. You may eventually change your mind about this. -aem
>I like fresh noodles. I often make fresh knife cut noodles
Do you mean the things that are also called hand-shaved noodles? If
so, would you post your recipe?