Treacle Pudding USA Substitutes ?
In article >,
Janet Baraclough > wrote:
> The message >
> from Rhonda Anderson > contains these words:
> > Not an expert here, but coming from the point of view of someone outside
> > the US who's familiar with golden syrup and treacle.
> > I've bought corn syrup to use for recipes that specifically require it -
> > the light one. As Charlotte said, it's very neutral tasting, just sweet, no
> > other real flavour - there's no comparison to golden syrup. Golden syrup I
> > can use much as I would honey - on buttered bread;
> That takes me back! I've not had GS on bread since childhood, we
> loved it. I still have it on my porridge.
I like it on fresh plain scones. With butter.
Electricians do it in three phases