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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Bare minimum pantry necessities?

Heya folks,

I am unpacking my kitchen stuff and gradually getting my tiny little
kitchen here in this apartment together. Yesterday, I had to go out
to get some of my basics. However, I am trying to keep my
fridge/pantry contents to a basic/bare minimum.

I got onions, carrots, celery, garlic, Italian parsley, and some
ginger. I didn't see any lemons I would want to buy (at least for the
price they were!!). I also got some apples, some bread, milk, and
cream and some sugar (brown and granulated). And a can or two of

I had brought some things already, like flour, yeast, spices,
ingredients for Asian cooking, a few types of vinegars I use
regularly, oils I use regularly. A few baking ingredients, such as
baking powder, baking soda, and some Wondra flour. I had some dried
fruits already, so I brought those with me. I have tea and coffee
already. I didn't bring any Worcestershire sauce, so I know if I need
that, I will probably have to get some.

At home, I have a very extensive pantry. All kinds of grains, beans,
flours, condiments, etc. When I was packing up to come here, I tried
to bring stuff I knew I would be using regularly.

I was just going over all this in my mind, and I was wondering what
you all think of as your essential pantry: those ingredients that you
use a lot and want to always have on hand. I am not thinking of
exhaustive some cases less is more. I find myself coming
around to this more and more.
