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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Bare minimum pantry necessities?

Christine wrote on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 18:52:34 -0800:

CD> I am unpacking my kitchen stuff and gradually getting my
CD> tiny little kitchen here in this apartment together.
CD> Yesterday, I had to go out to get some of my basics.
CD> However, I am trying to keep my fridge/pantry contents to a
CD> basic/bare minimum.

CD> I got onions, carrots, celery, garlic, Italian parsley, and
CD> some ginger. I didn't see any lemons I would want to buy

We often went thro' this process when we rented apartments in
faraway places, like Hawaii and Switzerland. There was usually a
supermarket within reach where we could buy the makings of the
first meal and I would say that we made sure we had salt and
pepper (the last renter usually left these), milk, orange juice,
onions, garlic, lemons or limes, olive oil, some fruit and bread
for our first breakfast and soy sauce. Others were added as
needed, with luck being bought in quantities small enough to
leave without regrets.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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