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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Bare minimum pantry necessities?

James wrote to Christine Dabney on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:09:31

CD>> I am unpacking my kitchen stuff and gradually getting my
CD>> tiny little kitchen here in this apartment together.
CD>> Yesterday, I had to go out to get some of my basics.
CD>> However, I am trying to keep my fridge/pantry contents to
CD>> a basic/bare minimum.

CD>> I got onions, carrots, celery, garlic, Italian parsley,
CD>> and some ginger. I didn't see any lemons I would want to
CD>> buy

JS> We often went thro' this process when we rented apartments
JS> in faraway places, like Hawaii and Switzerland. There was
JS> usually a supermarket within reach where we could buy the
JS> makings of the first meal and I would say that we made sure
JS> we had salt and pepper (the last renter usually left
JS> these), milk, orange juice, onions, garlic, lemons or
JS> limes, olive oil, some fruit and bread for our first
JS> breakfast and soy sauce. Others were added as needed, with
JS> luck being bought in quantities small enough to leave
JS> without regrets.

I should also add sugar and we brought instant coffee and
teabags with us. Usually, I'd buy ground real coffee if there
was a coffee maker in the apartment.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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