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Julie Bove Julie Bove is offline
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Default Bare minimum pantry necessities?

"hahabogus" > wrote in message
> Christine Dabney > wrote in
> :
>> On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:01:23 GMT, hahabogus > wrote:
>>>Christine Dabney > wrote in

>>>rice, potatoes, pasta, hot sauce, mustard flour, eggs, milk, cheese,
>>>garlic, bread crumbs, bacon, ap flour, stock, sherry, herbs of choice,
>>>dried mushrooms...with fresh veggies and fresh meat many things are

>> That's your bare minimum? I am not talking about a complete pantry
>> here...just what are the absolute basic things you have to have...not
>> the complete pantry.
>> I love all of those things myself...but those aren't my bare minimum
>> needs.
>> Christine

> Bare minium would be only salt and pepper...but to truly enjoy a meal
> those are the things I keep in stock at all times. Not just a item added
> to fix one book recipe that interested me, but for those times I drag my
> ass home from work tired and feel like making something fast and easy.
> Oh...and canola oil as well.

We make a lot of moves. I always travel with salt and pepper, peanut
butter, would now take almond butter as well since daughter has peanut
allergy, canned green beans, canned kidney beans, asst. nuts and various
bars that would include things like granola, pumpkin seed, gluten free fruit
bars, etc. I would also pack some gluten free cookies for daughter and
perhaps some tortilla or corn chips. I would have some dried and/or fresh
fruit, baby carrots, celery, and perhaps some peppers. These days I would
also pack some cereal because it is difficult for us to eat breakfast out,
given our food allergies. I would also pack some regular and gluten free
crackers and bread.

This would not be an all inclusive diet because I would add things to it as
I could. But when I am away from home, I try to avoid cooking as much as
possible. Exception being if I am staying with a relative or something and
am cooking for them. If I am staying in a motel/hotel with a kitchenette or
even just a table, fridge and microwave, I do the best I can with fresh
foods that do not require cooking. I will buy whatever vegetables and
fruits I can find that are raw. I used to buy cheese. We no longer eat
dairy. I will buy tortillas and canned refried beans to make a quick meal
with added veggies. I will buy cans/pouches of tuna and chicken breast that
can be mixed with veggies and dressed with a squeeze of lemon. Sometimes I
would buy cooked boiled eggs.

When we lived on Cape Cod, we would often go to PA for the weekend or a week
or so at a time and would stay at my BIL's cabin. They did have a stove
there but it was a pain to use and they didn't have a lot of cookware.
There was a microwave and a fridge. I would try to buy only as much as we'd
need for the time we were there. Sometimes the Schwann's man would come by
and I might buy a few things from him that could be eaten as is or simply
put in the microwave.