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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Bare minimum pantry necessities?

"Christine Dabney" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:01:23 GMT, hahabogus > wrote:
>>Christine Dabney > wrote in

>>rice, potatoes, pasta, hot sauce, mustard flour, eggs, milk, cheese,
>>garlic, bread crumbs, bacon, ap flour, stock, sherry, herbs of choice,
>>dried mushrooms...with fresh veggies and fresh meat many things are

> That's your bare minimum? I am not talking about a complete pantry
> here...just what are the absolute basic things you have to have...not
> the complete pantry.
> I love all of those things myself...but those aren't my bare minimum
> needs.
> Christine

I'd need rice, too, added to my already embarrassingly long list. I hate
getting bored with my diet.