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Default 3 mmin egg mystery

On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 18:40:37 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>I boiled two lrg eggs this morning, cooked a timed 4:30 secs for the both
>after the water was at boil, and waited 2 mins before cracking (lotsa
>retained heat). Still runny whites around the yolk. Dammit! What's the
>secret time to getting a soft-boiled egg with cooked whites and runny yolk.

Increase your cooking time! I like my eggs the way you do. I cook
them for 5 minutes, hubby makes it 6 and for some reason they both
turn out great. We use x-large eggs, btw.

>I'd settle for a little overcooked yolk on the outside if the whites were
>beyond the Afrin-required snot stage and there's still enough liquid yolk to
>paint funny faces on my pancake. Could it be soft-boiled eggs are
>traditionally supposed to include some runny white. What's the deal?

Maybe some people like eggs closer to their natural state than you and
I do. I like rare beef, not rare eggs and I like my souffle cooked
through - not runny in the middle.

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