Chicken leg experiment
Dale P wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Sat, 1 Mar 2008 12:33:32 -0500, cybercat wrote:
>>>> I preheated the oven to 400 F, put just a thin coating of olive
>>>> oil in a
>>>> ceramic baking dish, them mixed up:
>>>> 3/4 cup flour
>>>> 1 tablespoon rosemary
>>>> 1 tablespoon thyme
>>>> 2 tablespoons paprika
>>>> 1 teaspoon cayenne
>>>> a goodly amount of salt.
>>>> Washed six chicken legs and coated them well, even pulling back the
>>>> skin
>> and
>>>> packing the flour mix underneath.
>>> Flour under the skin? That sounds like a recipe for glue.
>>> What happened to the stuff under the skin?
>> Oh, Steve, that was just the part of the "experiment" that
>> *failed*...don't
>> you know nothing, as they say...???
>> Anyways, why go to all this trouble for the scrawny amount of meat
>> that's on
>> a chicken leg...the mind *boogles*...!!!
>> --
>> Bbest
>> Greg
> The mind "boogles"???
> Wasn't that a word game we used to play?
> Maybe you should just go away until you learn to play nice and maybe
> spell a little better.
> I happen to like chicken legs, and think they are well worth the
> trouble.