Giusi > wrote:
>"Christine Dabney" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>>Yes, that would be the main problem with fresh pasta -- it's too
>>>soft for dishes that are better with al dente pasta.
>>>Try making macaroni and cheese with fresh pasta and having it
>>>not come out a globular mess.
>> What a lot of folks seem to forget is that some pasta dishes are
>> actually better with dried pasta. Even such noted cooks as Marcella
>> Hazan, and Lidia Bastianich say that both have their purposes in that
>> some pasta dishes should be made with fresh pasta, and others with
>> dried. Sometimes it doesn't matter.
> The two pastas taste different! How could they not with an egg
> in there? Some dishes are not good with that egg flavor, some need it.
Just as a datapoint, not all fresh pasta contains egg. The
fresh pasta shop local to me (Phoenix, in Berkeley) makes whole-wheat,
eggless, vegan pasta. I buy it frequently.