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Default 3 mmin egg mystery

"James Silverton" > wrote in

> Edwin wrote on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 19:42:13 GMT:
> EP> "notbob" > wrote in message
> EP> ...
> ??>> What's the deal with the famous "three minute egg"? I
> ??>> mean, how the heck can a real egg be soft-boiled in 3
> ??>> mins? I've never cooked one for less than 4:30 secs and
> ??>> it still has a runny whites.
> EP> I use 4 minutes for X-large eggs. Put eggs in the water,
> EP> bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let stand 4 minutes.
> EP> Perfect to my liking. For hard cooked, let stand 8 to 10
> EP> minutes.
> There is a big range of criteria for the "perfect" soft-boiled
> egg. Some people call one soft-boiled even if the yolk is just
> set. I like the white to be solid but as little as possible of
> the yolk. In my experience, 5 1/2 minutes was necessary for
> mine.
> Now, let's add another question: how do you remove the top of
> the egg? I use a quick slicing with a knife. I know some people
> carefully remove the top of the shell before cutting thro'.
> There used once to be an upper/lower class divide here but I
> can't remember how it went :-)
> James Silverton
> Potomac, Maryland
> E-mail, with obvious alterations:

3 minute soft-boiled egg is the British standard. They usually use room
temp eggs and not large or extra large egg sizes. Add time to adjust for
egg size and frigerated coolness. So a 3 minute soft boiled frigerated
x-large egg would be around a minium of 5 to 6 minutes.


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