3 mmin egg mystery
l, wrote on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 21:52:24 GMT:
??>> What's the deal with the famous "three minute egg"? I
??>> mean, how the heck can a real egg be soft-boiled in 3
??>> mins? I've never cooked one for less than 4:30 secs and
??>> it still has a runny whites.
lnl> <SNIP>
??>> What's the secret time to getting a soft-boiled egg with
??>> cooked whites and runny yolk. I'd settle for a little
??>> overcooked yolk on the outside if the whites were beyond
??>> the Afrin-required snot stage and there's still enough
??>> liquid yolk to paint funny faces on my pancake. Could it
??>> be soft-boiled eggs are traditionally supposed to include
??>> some runny white. What's the deal?
??>> nb
lnl> To answer questions like this I always turn to Shirley
lnl> Corriher's indispensible book, CookWise.
lnl> "Softcooked Eggs
Thanks, but the time allotted to breakfast was extremely limited
and warming up cold eggs was not something we ever did. I
suppose I never will warm them up either :-)
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
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