"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>> O' Feel Up proffers:
>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>> blake murphy wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 2 Mar 2008 22:33:13 -0000, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>>>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>>>>> Sheldon wrote:
>>>>>> This obsession you two have on cybercat is becoming worrying.
>>>>>> Have you seen your phychiatrists lately?
>>>>>> You are really showing yourselves up and it is embarrassing.
>>>>> it's a vain attempt to distract attention from their arse-banditry.
>>>> You are a *dirty* bird, blake...!!!
>>>> ;-p
>>>> Anyways, I like to indulge the cybertwot in a bit of verbal bandiage
>>>> now and then, I *know* it makes it her day, lol...in fact she
>>>> *couldn't* live without me.
>>> What on earth is 'bandiage'? Perhaps you meant 'badinage' or are
>>> you strapping your sore wrist with it.
>> Oh, look, Dame O' Feel Up proffers a spelling lame...in fact this is
>> prolly your most *substantial* contri ever to this froup.
> Well, I corrected your spelling mistake
I can understand you being
> embarrassed
I really love it when Greggie critiques *our* contributions to rfc.