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Karen AKA Kajikit Karen AKA Kajikit is offline
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Posts: 707
Default Bare minimum pantry necessities?

On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 18:52:34 -0800, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>Heya folks,
>I am unpacking my kitchen stuff and gradually getting my tiny little
>kitchen here in this apartment together. Yesterday, I had to go out
>to get some of my basics. However, I am trying to keep my
>fridge/pantry contents to a basic/bare minimum.

Vegetables - Onions, Big baking Potatoes

If you have a freezer, a couple of bags of basic frozen vegetables,
otherwise a bag of carrots and a bunch of broccoli

Salad ingredients - bagged lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and/or radish,
plus bottled salad dressing


Meat - chicken breast (either cook your own or even buy pre-cooked),
bacon, canned tuna.


Pita bread and whole wheat bread

Cereal and milk

Mustard, balsamic vinegar, mayonnaise, salsa, Mrs Dash

Canned corn, canned tomato, canned chilli beans

You can eat well with a supermarket chicken, a bag-o-lettuce, a
tomato, and a loaf of bread.