cybercat wrote:
> "Doc" > wrote in message
> ...
>> I've got this wok from WalMart that's coated with Xylan, which I
>> gather is a first cousin of Teflon. Big mistake. It's non-stick
>> properties aren't very good.
>> I don't like the idea of simply throwing it out and dumping more money
>> into a non-coated wok. I'm sure I could strip the coating off with one
>> of these fibrous abrasive wheels that you bolt onto a hand drill -
>> wearing a dust mask of course - but is the surface that's exposed
>> going to be suitable for cooking?
> It's going to be aluminum.
Maybe, maybe not.
I'm not really sure what substrate they use for Xylan. But whatever
it is it won't make a good Wok.
Wikipedia has a nice article on Woks:
The downside is to get a good quality Wok or you'll wind up wasting time
seasoning it or just not getting the results you want. I've had a lot of
cheap woks, I think it makes a lot more sense to get a decent quality
wok and take care of it. It should last a very long time.