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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Removing non-stick coating to salvage a pan?

On 2008-03-04, Lou Decruss > wrote:

> Or wear it as a dunce cap for shopping at walmart.

Hey, just because Walmart is the scum of the Earth and may become the ruin
of the USA as a superpower, not to mention the downfall of civilzation as we
know it, and the worst thing to come along since Microsoft. Walmart DOES
have a few good points. I can't think of any, so lets move along.

So the gloves I bought there last Fall have already unraveled and are
falling apart after 4 mos light use and the thermal underwear I bought
ripped after 2 days use. Look at the bright side. It gives almost gainful
employment to those who lack the brain power required to flip a burger.
18 out of 19 clerks (NEVER on the same day, despite lines back to the
automotive dept) don't know how to generate a hardcopy CC receipt (press ESC
twice) so you don't have your signature digitized for easy access by 11 yr
old and/or Russian hackers. No, none of that counts.

Walmart should be appreciated for what it is. CHEAP! I just bought last
yrs fly fishing outfit for $25, marked down from $60. Wow! (I hope it will
last till after the first cast) I can buy Spring fashions only 3 days after
the beginning of Winter. Jinkies! I can meet dozens of eligible 70 yrs old
ladies in the laxative section of the pharmacy. (Hubba-hubba!) It keeps my
mom busy for hours. (thank you, God) It's a good place to find out where
to go for govt funded health care. (talk to the gimps). Last, but not
least, it sweeps the town clean of those pesky small businesses that plague
any thriving community.

Let's hear it for Wally World! (yeah!)
