Food presentation vs. PLENTY of food
"Glenn Jacobs" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 21:08:28 -0400, FERRANTE wrote:
> > Quite often I will watch cooking shows on the food channel and wonder
> > is food presentation really worth it? <Snip>
> >
> > Mark Anthony Ferrante
> IMO a meal in a restaurant, or at home, begins with the service,
> surroundings, decore and continues through the visual effect of the dish
> and the taste of the dish. All of these things and more contribute to the
> experience and all are important, some things more than others. And yes I
> prefer small portions and almost always ask for a small portion.
> Unfortunately it usually takes several visits to a restaurant before the
> wait staff will actually see that I get the size portions that I want.
> Why do I like small portions, first if it is on my plate I am probably
> going to eat it, although I am learning to show some restraint. And then
> go away feeling overfull and uncomfortable, not the way I prefer to end a
> dining experience.
I'm with you. Out of the couple dozen or so restaurants within a 20 minute
drive from here, only 1 offers half portions, and even those are pretty
generous. I like feeling sated and not stuffed to where I'm sitting there
pole-axed. I wish more places would offer a reduced portion option.
Jack Fed