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Will Yardley Will Yardley is offline
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Posts: 119
Default Korean Tea Questions

On 2008-03-06, An Sonjae > wrote:

> Another topic: I was puzzled by the Franchia site, that says they sell
> tea in measures of '1 pound including packaging'. The boxes
> illustrated look to me to be the standard Korean model, which can only
> hold 100 grams of tea. Do they mean that the remaining 400 grams are
> cardboard? Caveat emptor!

I'm pretty sure it's actually even less - as I warned in my post, I
think it's 3 oz of tea, so about 85g. The containers in their retail
store are labelled prominently, but I don't know why they aren't clearer
about it on their website. I think they just mean that the shipping
weight is a pound, because I'm sure their packaging with the tea in it
doesn't weigh a full pound.

The place you mention in LA (Chasaengwon) is the place that I was saying
I've been meaning to visit. I'll try and get around to checking it out
sometime soon and report back.

I'd be interested in hearing what the price range tends to be in Korea
for the different grades of tea you mention (realizing, of course, that
the price range is probably huge).
