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Puester Puester is offline
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Default Draining fat from ground beef

Dan Leifker wrote:
> I have a recipe that calls for cooked ground beef. I'd like to remove
> as much fat as possible before I add other ingredients.
> Any suggestions for the best way to drain fat from ground beef? Friend
> #3 also said not to waste money on high-grade ground beef with less fat,
> because you can pour off all the fat after cooking.
> I'm confused.

The reason your beef turns to sand is that you are using the
cheap beef that has lots of fat in it. Dies it make sense,
are you saving money to buy beef that's 20% fat and pour
20% of it away?

I would just drain the meat well after cooking, but I have
friends who pour hot water over it in a sieve to get every
last bit of the fat off. DO NOT pour this fat or water
down the drain. That's asking for expensive plumbing problems.

Save jars with lids to dispose of fat in the trash.

gloria p