Draining fat from ground beef
On Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:17:27 -0800, Samantha Hill - take out TRASH to
reply > wrote:
>hahabogus wrote:
>> Pan fry the ground beef...when cooked to your liking put the beef in a
>> fine mesh colander and rinse under the tap, drain and drip dry.
>Just be sure to rinse it with HOT water so it doesn't make the grease
Don't ever pour fat into the sink. It solidifies almost instantly and
the fat layer grows like sclerosis. I went to help a friend to
roto-snake his stuck kitchen sink. We ended up having to saw open the
ABS drain pipe running from the sink under the basement to the waste
water floor connector. That 2 inch pipe was plugged solid with fat
for more than a foot run and of course we had to scrape out the rest
of the pipe where the fat had not formed a solid plug yet. I think we
finally just tossed out the old pipe and put in a new 8 ft. length
where that helped.
To remove fat from ground beef I'd fry the beef until it is slightly
brown. By then most of the fat would have melted. I'd pour the molten
fat into a can. The ground meat in the pan is held back by a fork or
a slotted spatula. The fat I leave for the birds in the yard. Don't
add salt to the meat if you are going to feed the waste fat to the
birds. It makes them drink a lot of water to get rid of the salt, not
a healthy thing to do. In winter it is fatal for them as they have to
eat snow to get water. Their body mass is too small to handle eating
much snow. That's why never feed bacon fat (salty) to birds.
Don't wash cooked ground beef with water. It washes away the flavor.
If the residual fat bothers you put a paper towel onto a dish and pour
the fried ground beef on it. The paper will soak up the excess fat.
Sometimes I'd fry a large batch of ground beef and freeze the excess
for preparing later meals.