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MJB MJB is offline
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Default Tuna Noodle Casserole

"kilikini" > wrote in message

> Most people consider it trailer trash food. Personally, I haven't eaten
> it in about 25 years. LOL. This will be my first attempt at making it.
> kili

My parents are both 75 years old. And my Dad worked construction his entire
work life and my Mother took care of us kids when I was growing-up. He made
a good living as an electrician when he was working steady and his family of
five did well. But there was a lot of time - especially during the middle
of the Montana winter - when there wasn't enough work or hardly any income
except what unemployment insurance or the electrician's union provided. And
there was no safety net for families in the sixties - no food banks and no
public assistance. But my parents made sure their three kids got fed and
fed enough - and we ate a lot of starchy foods in a caserole with a little
bit of wild meat that Dad killed during the hunting season - all held
together by cream of 'something' soup.

So I do sort of resent the implication that what my Mother served me and
my siblings was 'trailer trash food'. I don't make the sort of casserole
dinners my Mom makes very often - but when I do - it is the deepest sort of
comfort food imaginable. It is literally balm for the soul in the middle of
a minus 40 degree winter.

<wry smile>

Be grateful you have no children turning their faces up to you like little
birds begging to be fed. Because that would magnify your misery ten-fold.