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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Save Robert Irvine!

> wrote in message
> Save Robert Irvine!
> Visit the for information and a
> petition to save Robert Irvine's job on the Food Network.

The guy had more lies on his resume than truth and his lies transcended into
utter fantasy. He claimed to be a Knight of the Real, the highest honor
there is in Britain, and he claimed that on top of that QE2 gave him a
castle. I mean this is bizarre shit and the guy has a screw loose. And he
was involved in a really dubious venture in Florida that appears he was
lying his ass off to get some investors to pony up a couple million bucks to
finance his 2 restaurant ideas.

The guy has crook written all over him. He needs to go away. Do we have
ANY standards left in this country anymore? Or is it all just a matter of
who makes the most bucks and for whom?
