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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default New breadmaker, different procedure.

George Shirley wrote:
> Adam Funk wrote:
>> I just got a new breadmaker (Panasonic) and noticed two pecularities
>> in the instructions (compared with the old one's).
>> (1a) The old instructions said (when using the delay timer) to put
>> the liquids, salt and sugar in, then the flour, and finally the
>> yeast on top, to keep the yeast separate until the mixing
>> starts. (1b) The new ones say to put the yeast in the bottom, cover it
>> with
>> the flour, and then put everything else, including the liquids,
>> on top, to keep the yeast separate until the mixing starts.
>> To me, (a) seems more intuitively correct, but I've been
>> following (b) with the new one for several batches and had good
>> results. Any opinions?
>> (2) The instructions for the new one specifically say to wash the
>> inside of the pan only, and not to immerse it, so obviously it
>> can't go in the dishwasher. (The old one went in the dishwasher
>> every time; to be fair, I replaced the pan twice in four years
>> because the spindle started getting loose, but I don't think the
>> dishwasher was the cause and I'm sure I read the instructions
>> before I started doing it.)
>> Is this a common restriction on new breadmakers?

> I'm on my third breadmaker and all of them had the same restriction,
> wash pan by hand, inside only, not to go in the dishwasher. I took a
> pan on one of the old ones apart to see how it worked. The spindle is
> gasketed where it goes through the pan wall at the bottom and is
> lightly oiled at the factory. I assume from this that dishwasher use
> in cleaning the pan destroys the gasket, the spindle gets wobbly,
> there is leakage at the spindle and it gets worse from there.
> I can't comment on the method of Delay baking as I've never used it.
> I've been a House Husband since December 1991 and don't need no
> stinking delay. <VBG>