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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default butter

On Mar 6, 5:30�pm, Tracy > wrote:
> or
> At least it is still a pound package.

Yeah but that extra packaging will increase the cost per pound, I
betcha! With more wrapping there will also be a bit more waste,
always some small quantity of butter stays with the wrapping and few
people make the effort to scrape the last bits off the wrapping
paper... now instead of four grams you'll waste eight grams... with
all the tons of butter sold grams count... butter companys don't care
that you have more waste so long as you pay for it, so if they can
increase each individual consumer's waste even a little bit it all
adds up, they increase their profits substantially

I don't see any convenience whatsoever, in fact it's twice the work;
twice as many sticks to handle and unwrap... may as well go all the
way and buy those individually wrapped pats like they serve at
restaurants. I think this is a marketing ploy to increse butter
consumption... most folks tend not to leave that last pat worth of
butter from a 1/4 lb stick but will instead unconciously use it all by
slathering a little extra on their bread or dump it into their
recipe.. is there such a thing as too much butter in baked goods. So
now with twice as many sticks there is twice the opportunity presented
to use up those ends by taking extra... folks will become fatter while
butter company wallets get fatter too. Butter companys are no
different from other businesses, everything they do is to increase
their bottom line, Land O' Lakes is not doing this for the good of the
consumer... they are emptying consumer's wallets while increasing
their increasing bottoms and waists.

Think about all the reasons why commercial kitchens buy ingredients in
the *largest* sizes... resturant kitchens don't use sticks, they use
five pound blocks. In ethnic neighborhoods where people do a lot of
cooking/baking they mostly buy butter in one pound blocks, costs
substantially less than sticks and there is less waste.