A perfect desert to accompany enchiladas
"Myrl Jeffcoat" > wrote in message
> OK folks, you've never led me astray before, so here's the
> question. . .If you were hosting a luncheon, and you planned on
> serving enchiladas, what would you likely serve for desert?
> Myrl Jeffcoat
I'm sure alot of folks will suggest flan...but I don't like it...so how about crème
brulee? It's deceptively easy to make if you have a kitchen torch or even a good
Otherwise, how about this: cut a couple tortillas into smaller pieces and butter both
sides. Press into muffin tins and bake until golden & crisp. Dust with
cinnamon-sugar. Use as serving dishes for either vanilla ice cream rolled in toasted
coconut or a lime ice cream/sorbet. I make a Mexican chocolate sauce for the coconut
covered ice cream with chopped up Abuelita, a splash of cream, a spoonful of corn
syrup, and a pat of butter.