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Default Food presentation vs. PLENTY of food

"Jack Schidt®" > writes:

> Out of the couple dozen or so restaurants within a 20 minute
>drive from here, only 1 offers half portions, and even those are pretty
>generous. I like feeling sated and not stuffed to where I'm sitting there
>pole-axed. I wish more places would offer a reduced portion option.
>Jack Fed-eral

Then they'd have to offer a reduced price option, which would in effect,
considering that actual food is their least costly element of running a
restaurant, put the fine-dining restaurant out of business and into Chapter
11... perhaps yoose portion quantity affectionados should revisit the "Sm.,
Med., Lg." fast food dining experience.

And then again I've not ever noticed where fine-dining restaurants offer very
large portions... perhaps yoose is speaking of the Fercoctah Family Chains.

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---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
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