Miche wrote:
> In article >,
> Adam Funk > wrote:
>> http://www.smh.com.au/news/environme...e-chop/2007/11
>> /08/1194329361322.html
>> Japanese women with environmental concerns close to their hearts
>> might one day be able to wear a bra, unveiled on Wednesday, that can
>> be used to carry their own personal chopsticks to cut down on waste.
>> Women's underwear maker Triumph Japan showcased a bra with cups
>> designed to look like a pair of rice and miso soup bowls and side
>> pouches to hold compact chopsticks.
> LOL. I'd rather carry a handbag. Don't want to go digging around in my
> undies for chopsticks to eat my lunch with!
Could be a nice ice-breaker on a first date. Heck, could even be a party
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