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Cindi - HappyMamatoThree Cindi - HappyMamatoThree is offline
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Posts: 381
Default Save Robert Irvine!

"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "Cindi - HappyMamatoThree" > wrote in
> message
>> Having worked HR in a small office we checked every employment location
>> listed unless they weren't in business anymore or it had been more than
>> 10 years. Education was checked and certifications had to be proven.
>> Granted it was a medical field, but we just didn't hire based on pretty
>> words on a piece of paper.
>> Cindi

> Medical credentials probably should be checked more than a draftsman,
> secretary or shipper, but the resume tells little of a person's character
> or real ability. I've had a few great looking resumes and god references,
> but they turned out to be terrible in actual real life work. One of my
> best hires gives a terrible resume and mediocre interview skills, but he
> is top notch at what he does. Been with us 10 years now.

It is difficult to always be able to know what you're getting even after a
resume, interview, etcetera. We did rely on recomendations from other
offices but we were lucky that the medical community was pretty tight and
most would provide reliable recommendations. It's so hard to see who will be
a good match with other employees and in the job itself. Perhaps Food
Network didn't even bother to look at the resume, they just filed it away
and went just going on the buzz in the Celebrity Cooking community. Why read
the resume when Emeril gives him a good nod?
