Pork Stroganoff
On Mar 7, 9:50 am, "Default User" > wrote:
> Capitalist Pig wrote:
>>> sorry, I don't how to cook this dish.
>> If you don't know how to cook this dish, then why did you bother to
>> reply?
> To spam the website.
Capitalist Pig (a.k.a. Cauchon Capitaliste) and Default User haven't
got a clue. The reason for Crystal's comment should be obvious to all
but the most obtuse. It is perfectly clear that Crystal must be an
authority on the subject and must therefore be expected, with
considerable anticipation, to provide the desired information. It is
also obvious from her implied reputation that she must, in fact, know
how to cook the dish. We conclude, therefore, that Crystal is
protecting a secret recipe.