Hello I am new here this group
Puester > wrote in news:8ACAj.727255$kj1.42342
> Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
>> On Fri, 07 Mar 2008 16:58:09 GMT, Puester >
>> fired up random neurons and synapses to opine:
>>> Inter-r-r-resting. There was a man at my door in an
>>> ill-fitting blue suit
>>> and dark glasses this morning asking if I knew you....
>> You told them that you never heard of me, right? That you might have
>> heard of someone with a similar name, but she moved to Bora Bora or
>> maybe it was Trinidad or Pittsburgh. Yeah, that's the ticket. No one
>> would ever find me, erm, her in Pittsburgh!
> Actually I believe I told him you and our company CFO
> absconded with all the assets to Moosejaw, Alaska.
> gloria p
MooseJaw is in Saskatchewan, silly.
Myself Ida said Don't know Terry Pulliam-bird of such and such address,
the house with the oak tree in the yard and area code phone
number...never met knew or talked to her EVER. Didn't ever talk to her
especially about ooops secret stuff.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.