Depression and veganism
On 30 Oct 2003 15:33:11 -0800, (tofubar, who is
actually J Ball) Jonathan No Testicles in sockpuppet mode wrote a
troll post:
>I've noticed that my friends who have gone exclusively vegan, even if
>they take vitamins, seem more moody and depressed. Has anyone else
>noticed this?
Wrong Jonathan. You abuse people and animals, you eat meat and are
proud of it, you are 7st impotent dwarf. YOU are thoroughly depressed
Now what does that tell us about a meat diet?
People become vegan because they are happy to become vegan, happy to
help animals, happy to care. What is there to be depressed about?
We see you making an ass of yourself, with your simple sock puppets
and solitary friends in dick eater and crutch, we actually laugh AT
you, so depression? I don't think so.
'You can't win 'em all.'
Lord Haw Haw.
Since I stopped donating money to CONservation hooligan charities
Like the RSPB, Woodland Trust and all the other fat cat charities
I am in the top 0.801% richest people in the world.
There are 5,951,930,035 people poorer than me
If you're really interested I am the 48,069,965
richest person in the world.
And I'm keeping the bloody lot.
So sue me.