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MG[_1_] MG[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 130
Default half a cup of chili powder?

ok, saw this recipe being made on Giada's show Everyday Italian, and was
sure I had misheard the use of half a cup of chili powder added to the

nope, here it is in black & white,00.html

now, here's the Aus, chili powder is the used by the half a
teaspoon-ful (well, maybe more lol, but according to taste) ie it's the
"hot" red powdered stuff

never have I seen the use of half a cup in a single, my question
to you is, is the "chili powder" used in this recipe, a mix of chili powder
and something else, causing it to bulk out?

Or is the term chili powder a more generic term in the US, and it's not a
product which produces much heat in a dish