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Julie Bove Julie Bove is offline
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Default Tuna Noodle Casserole

"Mark Allread" > wrote in message
> kilikini wrote:
>> I know we just had a thread covering this topic a few months ago and I
>> should Google it all. That being said, it's a disgusting meal, but we've
>> been forced to resort to it. This will be tomorrow's dinner.
>> We have a couple of cans of water-packed tuna, some egg noodles, canned
>> peas, canned carrots, canned corn, 1 can of mushroom soup and a sleeve of
>> saltine crackers - so, I'm thinking tuna noodle casserole. Hey, it's
>> filling, it's food, and truth be told, we had to go to a food bank to get
>> *this* much.
>> I need your input - with no flames, please.
>> I've got lots of herbs and spices so bring on your best tuna noodle
>> casserole recipes.
>> kili

> I'd like to take this opportunity to ask that anyone intending to donate
> to a food bank please consider adding some sort of meat product. I tend to
> toss in a canned "ham" or two, as that's the easiest canned protein to
> find in the stores around here, and it goes well with the beans and rice
> that food banks always seem to have.
> It just bothers me to think of somebody going hungry, y'know?
> Call it a quirk.

I always do. We usually do canned/pouches of chicken and tuna. Don't see
too many canned hams around here. I've gotten them somewhere but can't
remember where. Daughter said they were yucky though so I tend not to buy
things that don't taste good. I don't like any kind of ham so I wouldn't be
a good judge.